Our sense of right and wrong is eroding: Nusraat Faria

DailyStar || Shining BD

Published: 9/29/2024 3:15:32 AM

Bangladeshi film actress, singer, and model Nusraat Faria still finds herself in a difficult position — her name continues to be associated with a former prime minister across social media discussions, often with negative undertones.


The online platforms are flooded with comments about her, the majority of which cast her in an unfavourable light.

While she has remained silent on the matter, yesterday afternoon she took to her social media account to express some personal sentiments. Many of her followers believe this is a subtle reaction to the recent rumours circulating about the actress.

Nusraat Faria voiced profound disappointment, remarking, "I am deeply alarmed by the swift deterioration of our intellectual abilities as human beings. It worries me. The capacity to discern right from wrong is gradually fading with each passing day."

She further clarified the intent behind her statement, saying, "Don't lose the ability to discern the truth in what you witness regularly. Question how much of it is real or fabricated. Instead of simply consuming things with your eyes, let us all make an effort to observe and reflect as thoughtful human beings."

Faria's message is clear— one must not blindly trust everything they hear. Before forming conclusions, one needs to take the time to reflect by utilising their wisdom. 

In conclusion, the actress-singer is choosing to remain hopeful about the challenges ahead being not as overwhelming as they might seem at first glance.

Shining BD